Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Of Logic & Conformity

"A murderer is condemned to death. He has to choose between three rooms. The first is full of raging fires, the second is full of assassins with loaded guns, and the third is full of lions that haven't eaten in 3 years. Which room is safest for him?"

"tell me the ans"

"2nd one"

"no dear :P... it's the third one"

Is this about logic? And whose logic are we talking about anyways?
Can there be more than one logic behind the same thing? Something that justifies some other outcome?

Take the above question as an example. The Murderer is condemned to death. So, an interpretation of the question is that the Murderer is choosing between the different ways he can die. Yet, it seems improbable that Lions who have been hungry for 3 years be alive. Even if they are not, the stink in the room will be enough to kill any man. I guess. But, let's, for argument's sake, assume that the lions are alive, and really, REALLY hungry. The choices in front of the Murderer are:

  1. Being charred to death by a conflagration.

  2. Being riddled by bullets and dying. Remember, they all are assasins, and they might have sympathy for "one of their kinds". Or, they being assasins, have already killed each other, so the room is pretty much empty. Once again, let's just skip a scenario where any of the rooms are empty.

  3. Being (viciously) mauled to death by Lions who havent eaten for THREE (!!) years.

Wouldn't it be nice to choose the 2nd option? Death would come quick, and it would also be less painful.

But then. It doesn't matter.

The one who had made the question knows better. In fact, the question was made for a specific answer, to accomodate a specific logic. If you don't accept the logic, you are an idiot. You know nothing. It doesn't matter what your logic says might be the answer.

And you feel euphoric just because your 'logic' matches someone else's or feel rejected, dejected, if it doesn't.

Here we are talking about conformity. Our innate attitude towards life, or shall i say, the very basic nature of human beings is to 'conform' to something or the other. It is one of the 'rules' for humans to be happy. Understandably so, because we are a social animal, and if you don't 'conform' people will make life hell for you. Perhaps the reason why Einstein, even though he was such a Genious, is still a laughing stock for many.

It is not easy to be different. If u just be happy, and keep smiling all the time, people will very kindly label you as a 'nut' case.You can't be your own, because there's always someone watching.

But aren't we forgetting something?

We might be forgetting that the way that we can TRULY be happy is by being ourselves. It is perhaps one of the reasons we remember our childhood so fondly. And perhaps the reason... we miss it too.

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